The Doctoral School of Psychology calls for applications for bursaries for its students in the PhD in Psychology Program to support their research, their publications as well as to advance their academic activities.
The bursary is conditional on academic activities and merit, the excellence of the research students pursue, all of which is to be detailed in a one-two—page application (consisting of previous research, conference participations, plans for next semester) to be handed in to the board to make the decision. The scholarship may be awarded to a student enrolled in the program for the academic year of 2024/2025 who continues his/her studies without interruption, and who is deemed worthy by the board on the basis of his/her academic, professional and publication record. The board will support those applications that testify to the applicants' continuous effort to publish, and those who attend and present at conferences.
The budget of the bursaries for 2024/2025 spring semester is 1,200,000 Hungarian Forints, which is designated to support a maximum of three students up to 400,000 Hungarian Forints each. The bursaries will be paid in line with the provisions of the Code of Charges and Benefits (Annex 6 of the Statues of the University of Pécs) in one lump sum after the decision of the board.
Applications are to be handed in via email, addressed to the program manager:
The deadline is the 20th of March, 2025.
Late submissions and addenda will not be accepted.
The board responsible for the decision will comprise the head of the doctoral program, one of the current supervisors at the doctoral school, and the student representative of the doctoral school.
Decisions will be based on:
ln order for students to qualify for the bursary, a minimum score of 50 points is required. Bursaries are given in proportion to scores achieved.
Students who receive the bursary are required to write and file a report on their progress in their studies, academic activities and publications, detailing how the bursary contributed to the progress they will have made. Reports are due by the end of the spring semester of 2024/2025. If the recipient fails to file the report by the deadline, he/she shall repay the bursary in full, based on the decision of the board.
The board will make its decision in ten workdays and will notify applicants individually via email.
The applicant shall be entitled to submit an appeal against decisions adopted in the application procedure within fifteen days from the notification of the applicant in question or in the lack of such notification from the date when s/he learns about such decision. The Secondary Educational Committee shall deal with the appeal claim.
The call for applications is also available in pdf format.
Pécsi Tudományegyetem | Kancellária | Informatikai és Innovációs Igazgatóság | Portál csoport - 2020.